Tison Lacy Long Live Queen Faye!

In the autumn, football reigns as king at our high school, but rules very sadly without a queen. The problem was solved on October 20 when the annual Homecoming festivities got under way as the curtains revealed a setting of enchantment and magic. Mrs. McDermott, narrator for the evening and Miss Ann Latham, pianist for the coronation, summoned the royal court, and the King's gentlemen began their entrance. Ronnie Phelps, Bob Miller, Brian Davenport, and Jack Muckley entered first, followed by His Majesty, Jack Lane. Mickey Bertino and Gary McGowan, Chamberlains for the court, spread the white carpet, and the eager audience began their wait. Preceding the grand entrance of Miss Faye Tison, our Homecoming Queen, was the court consisting of: Miss Carletta Gibson, first lady-in-waiting; Miss Karen White, second lady-in-waiting; Miss Marilyn Turner, third lady-in-waiting; Miss Colleen Reed, Princess Royal. The Queen was presented the crown by Wauleua Delaney, golden mums by Sherrie Harris, and a gift of pearls by Hal Beck. Kevin Kingston carried Queen Faye's royal robe. In no kingdom was to be found a lovelier Queen, and in her honor, Larry Phelps sang "The Sweetheart of Rado High." Thus, King football found an enchanting Queen, and the royal court retired. Long live football at E. T. H. S. and long live Queen Faye!

Queen's Court
