Junior - Senior Prom
As a gala finale to the social events of the year, the Junior Class presented the Senior Class with "A Crystal Ball, on May twentieth. Decorated with shimmering stars and crystal balls, the gymnasium and cafeteria were filled with happy laughter and good times. To climax the Junior- Senior Prom of '61, the Prom Queen, Miss Virginia Maloney, was crowned by her escort, Mr. Larry Young. Queen Virginia's attendants were Miss Judy Reid escorted by Mt. Phillip Stinson, Miss Karen White escorted by Mr. Bob Miller, Miss Janet Lyon escorted by Mr. Jerry Wesley and Miss Janet Gholson escorted by Mr. Charles Mobley. Music by the "Blue Notes" serenaded the Queen and her court, and as the evening slowly faded away into the wee hours of the morning, each happy couple gazed into the Crystal Ball to see many happy memories.